Sarah Bailey
Contact meHow can I help you?
As a Data and Insight Manager, my position involves a lot of numbers and figures, but the essential part of it is pulling together reporting and analysis so we can draw actionable and meaningful insight from it. I love being able to figure out a puzzle, so my day-to-day role involves a lot of investigation and analysis which are things I thoroughly enjoy.
A little about me
Unsurprisingly with this role, I love a mystery so this can vary from me reading (far too many) books or trying to figure out an escape room. I’m a big homebody as well so you’ll usually find me spending time with my family and friends either cooking something, crafting or at a gig.
My experience
I’ve been in the big old world of data analysis for seven years and enjoyed it so much that I completed a Level 4 apprenticeship in Data. I’ve worked in a variety of different places which means I have a broad understanding of what data can mean to different people, and I thoroughly enjoy being able to help people make sense of things. I completed a French and Psychology degree at the University of Liverpool, and if you told 18-year-old me that I would be using the statistics from there daily, and loving it, they probably would have had a wee giggle.