
Social services involvement with your family

When social services become involved with your family it can be a very difficult and uncertain time, particularly if there is a suggestion that your child may be removed from your care.

If social services/the local authority indicate that they will be making a court application in relation to your child you will need to take urgent legal advice.

Our experienced Care Team are committed to securing the best outcome for you and your family.

We will explain what's happening at every step of the way, in simple terms that are easy to understand. We can provide advice, assistance and representation to parents, family members, potential alternative carers, and children in all Children Law matters including the following meetings and applications:-

  • Pre-proceedings meetings;
  • Emergency protection orders;
  • Care and supervision orders;
  • Placement orders;
  • Adoption orders;
  • Wardship proceedings;
  • Special guardianship orders

Our Children and Family Law team includes members of the Law Society's Family Law and Children Law Accreditation Scheme and Resolution.