One of life’s joys and privileges is choosing the name of a new born child. The baby is born and its life is a blank canvass upon which so many experiences are imprinted. Gradually the name given to the child becomes their own, not yours, and a vibrant and real personality makes their name absolutely appropriate to them and who they are. Essentially, an individual’s name is their ‘brand’.
When you deal with Andrew or Emma, you know exactly what you are going to get; the way they speak, how they react, their values and so on and so forth. Hopefully you will learn to trust them, rely on them, laugh and love with them as their lives blossom. It is exactly the same with a business name. When you enter a John Lewis store or purchase their products online, you know what experience you are likely to have. The actual experience we have either confirms or detracts from the image the name conjures up in our minds. Has the experience of dealing with the organisation been what we imagined?
In May 2016, Jackson Canter joined with Lees Solicitors to create an organisation which is more than the sum of its parts. Jackson Canter’s name has always been synonymous with Justice, protecting the rights of individuals, often utilising legal aid funding to ensure that the big guys can’t exploit the underdog. This was most visible in our work for 20 families who suffered bereavement as a result of the Hillsborough tragedy, and then suffered the burning injustice of being held out as the perpetrators of their own loss.
Lees has a rich history spanning over 125 years and is well-known on the Wirral to be a caring and safe pair of hands to entrust with any legal issue. Together, their range of services for individuals and small business is unparalleled in the Liverpool City Region.
Since the joining together of these two entities, we know that our clients’ experience of dealing with both parts of the business has remained overwhelmingly positive. However, in order to recognise and celebrate this coming together, it is right to recognise our unique joint new identity: enter to the stage therefore ‘Jackson Lees’. Unlike a new born child, this business comes with a known personality embodied in the reputation of both Jackson Canter and Lees.
Together, we make a difference in so many ways to the businesses and families we have supported over many years. Broudie Jackson Canter name is not lost, being the name we will use for our legal aid work.
We have a core belief that law is ultimately about justice. Justice is obtained by protecting your assets and interests, by securing a safe and planned future and by defending your rights and position. So when you buy your new home, we need to protect your interests and secure your main asset for the future. A properly drawn up will defend the position of your family no matter what happens in the future. Our work with businesses and individuals ensures that we are with you all the way with unbiased and non-judgemental advice. When necessary, we will challenge convention and fight the big boys as we will always be determined to get the best result we can for you.
What’s in a name? Jackson Lees brings a proven track record to the party and we look forward to building on our reputation for many years to come.