Date published: 17th January 2024
With the number of people representing themselves on the rise, instructing a lawyer in family law proceedings has never been more pressing an issue. Choosing how to navigate a family law matter therefore, from arrangements concerning a child, to domestic abuse injunctions and divorce or financial matters, can be a difficult task.
So, why then should you choose to seek legal advice from a family lawyer?
- ACCESS TO FUNDING – family lawyers are duty-bound to explore your options in respect of funding. If you are eligible for legal aid – which subject to circumstances is still available in some family law matters - you should be made aware of your right to public funding.
- ADVICE – accessing proper advice from experienced, trained and regulated lawyers can often be decisive in terms of a given application to court. A lawyer on your behalf can advise on the relevant law and how best to promote your interests and allow you to assess your options as your case progresses.
- REPRESENTATION – your advocate in court is instructed to advance your interests before a judge or magistrates. Representing yourself in court can often be a daunting endeavour. Instructing a skilled advocate can give peace of mind as well as interpreting legal terminology for you.
- COMMUNICATION – corresponding with an ex-partner or family member, in addition to courts and third parties can be both emotionally taxing and time-consuming. A legal representative can do this on your behalf, keeping you updated throughout your case and ensuring you comply with dates, deadlines and orders of the court.
- SUPPORT – a good family lawyer can guide you through the process with empathy and sensitivity. Family law matters can be emotive to those involved. Compassion and great client care can be of utmost importance to you and your family at what is often a difficult time.
We understand that family life is not simple.
We can support you with a vast range of family law issues including arrangements for children, divorce and separation, domestic abuse, name changes and Social Services involvement with your family.
To talk to one of our advisers call us on 0151 282 1700, request a callback at your convenience, email or message us your enquiry.