Date published: 26th February 2020

Have matters broken down between you and your ex-partner?  Do you feel that your voice is not being heard or that the current arrangements are not in the interests of your children? It can be hard to find the right arrangement that works for your family, but you are not alone with this.

At Jackson Lees we understand that the breakdown of a relationship is upsetting and can be one of the most difficult times in your life.

It is perfectly normal for parties to feel sad and angry after a separation.  Emotions can be intense, particularly if it was a long relationship and especially where there are children involved.  Even in cases where parents are relatively amicable, there will always be things that you cannot agree on and this can cause a breakdown in communication.  When your thoughts are compounded with emotion, it can then be hard to avoid a quick reaction which can potentially make matters worse.

It is important to know that every case is different.  Whilst friends and family members can be great pillars of support following a separation, their views can sometimes cloud what is best for your family.  Just because your recently separated friends have agreed a certain arrangement, doesn’t mean that the same arrangements will work for you and your children.  The main consideration needs to be what is best for your children and your family.  Ultimately, the welfare of your children should be the main consideration at all times.

Regardless as to how often you see your children, you are significant factor in their lives.  It is therefore helpful to seek advice as early as possible so that you know what your options are in terms of negotiating with your ex-partner but also your rights and responsibilities.  Seeking advice at the earliest opportunity will also help nip any issues in the bud sooner rather than later, in the hope that you can continue to be amicable and build on communication.

The only cases that end up in the Court arena are those that cannot be resolved by negotiation and mediation.  There are numerous avenues that can be explored before having to involve the Court and at Jackson Lees we have Resolution accredited professionals who are geared towards a constructive and more amicable approach.  

Ultimately, every family is different and, here at Jackson Lees, we recognise that.  There is no better time than the present to attempt to resolve any issues regarding the arrangements for your children and we are more than happy to help.

If you would like to talk to one of our specialist advisers, please call us free on 0151 625 9364, email, request a callback at your convenience, or message us your enquiry.