Date published: 25th May 2018

The Alzheimer’s Society has been raising awareness about dementia this week by encouraging us to join in the conversation and remember that "Small Actions make a Big Impact.”

Dementia will touch most of our lives in one way or another. Whether you know someone who has been living with dementia for years, someone has been recently diagnosed or you just want to be learn more so you can be aware of the signs to recognise, there are simple things we can all do to help improve the lives for people living with the condition.

The one thing that seems to be a running theme is that if people took the time to listen and be patient, it would make a huge difference. We’re also being reminded to be mindful of carers and loved ones too. Although a person may have dementia, it affects others around them, and that a diagnosis of dementia will mean that life will be different but that doesn’t mean it will be all bad; you can still continue living your life to the fullest with your family and loved ones.

From a legal perspective, being diagnosed with dementia would have an effect on your ability to deal with your own property and finances. Acting sooner rather than later can make a world of difference, and it could help save your loved ones making difficult decisions on your behalf if they knew your wishes in advance. This is where a Lasting Power of Attorney (“LPA” for Property and Financial Affairs) could help.

An Lasting Power of Attorney can be made at any time whilst you have mental capacity and you do not have to wait until you are diagnosed with early stages of dementia before getting one in place. It can be reassuring to know that if you became unable to make decisions for yourself in the future, you had an LPA in place and a chosen person who you trust to look after you and carry out your wishes. So this Dementia Awareness Week, plan ahead and put plans in place for your future by getting in touch with our expert team.