Joanne Maher

Contact me
Senior Associate, Solicitor & Team Leader
How I can help

I specialise in representing Claimants in Clinical Negligence claims, who have often been severely injured though medical negligence, including suffering spinal, injury, brain injury, and amputations, delayed diagnosis of cancer. This means pursuing claims from the first point of contact with my clients when there is little but suspicion that something has gone wrong during their care. In using my knowledge and experience, I investigate claims with the assistance of appropriate medical experts to find out if a persons’ care was negligent, therefore causing them injury. I will approach my cases with compassion and determination to find answers where they exist in order to seek financial justice. No amount of compensation can take the place of good health, but it can go some way to ease the consequences of what are often life changing injuries.

My experience

Before qualifying as Solicitor, I had a previous career in mental health from which I intended to qualify as a Clinical Psychologist. Whilst doing Post Graduate study in Forensic and Behavioural Science I decided to change career to law with the specific intention to practice in Clinical Negligence, fuelled by my combined interest in both Law and medical practice. So, I set about retraining, practicing as a lawyer from 2008, and qualifying as a Solicitor in 2012. I have spent most of my career representing Claimants but gained valuable experience in defending these claims on behalf of the NHS, and joined Jackson Lees in May 2023, which has proven to be a superb move. I have pursued a broad spectrum of cases and now mostly pursue high value claims.

A little about me

I am passionate about representing my clients in these very important actions, and whilst we have a very valuable health service in the UK, sometime things go wrong. As we are all users of the NHS and other health care providers, the consequences of medical negligence could happen to any of us, even lawyers and doctors. I feel passionate about the rights of individuals to bring claims of this nature despite the impact on NHS funding. It is particularly important to acknowledge the contribution and learning opportunities provided to medical providers arising from these claims which ultimately contributes to patient safety.

In my own time I am a foodie and love eating out, the theatre, socialising, travelling, quizzes, and getting outside in the fresh air for some exercise either on the coast or in the countryside.