Probate can be complicated, and a Probate lawyer is someone you’re going to need at the most emotionally draining of times. So, finding just the right expert to help you with Probate can help ‘take the weight off’ when you need it most.
Get in touch with our experts to help you with Probate
Anne Forrester, a Legal Executive at Jackson Lees, has taken some time to explain a few things people can do and a few points to consider when choosing the right Probate lawyer for you.
A quick guide to the basics of Probate
Before we get to the advice let’s just cover a few of the basics. Legally, Probate is a process that’s needed for any estate over the value of £5,000. If you have been named as the executor of an estate, then you will almost certainly need a Probate lawyer. You can learn all the basics of Probate from two articles we’ve published on our blog over the last few months.
Firstly, an article I wrote on What Probate is and why do you need it. Then get to grips with the legal language around Probate by reading my colleague, Mark Duckworth’s article on Understanding the jargon of Wills & Probate. Fully informed? Let’s get on.
If you have been appointed as an executor by someone in their Will, this is an honour, but it is also a responsibility which should not be taken lightly. Consequently, a lot of executors or administrators ask a legal professional, like a specialist Probate lawyer or solicitor, for assistance.
What qualities should you look for in your Probate lawyer?
You will be working closely with the lawyer at what is an emotional time, so it’s important that you feel comfortable with them. You need to find someone that you can trust to deal with the estate competently.
Don’t be afraid to ask to have a chat with the actual lawyer that will be handling the estate with you. When you talk to them, make sure you connect with them and that you’re happy with their level of experience. Ask if it’s just them who will be working on the estate or if any of their colleagues will be involved.
You should let them know that you will be ringing round a few other people and that you will confirm when and if you want to engage their services. Only once you’ve made your choice should you arrange a meeting to discuss the finer points of the estate.
Above all, never feel railroaded into engaging the services of any particular firm just because you have contacted them.
Choose the Probate service that’s right for you
As you contact various firms, be aware that most will offer more than one level of service, depending on how much of the Probate process you feel comfortable doing yourself.
Some people find doing some of the phone calls and advising various businesses of the deceased person’s passing a useful part of the grieving process. Others find the whole process overwhelming, which is not a surprise given the emotional strain they might be under. There is no right or wrong way to proceed as people deal with the grief – everyone is different.
Jackson Lees’ Probate Service
By way of example, Jackson Lees offer our Probate services on a scale; from doing everything for you, to just helping you with the core legal work.
Our full Probate service
As an executor you can literally give us all of the paperwork, attend a briefing meeting and we will progress everything. We’ll contact the relevant institutions to establish the value of the estate. We’ll prepare the necessary forms to make the application for the Grant of Probate or Letters of Administration. We’ll come you to approve and sign the forms. We’ll make the application to the Probate Registry and once the Grant of Probate/Letters of Administration is issued, we’ll collect all of the assets and arrange for them to be distributed as per the Will/Rules of Intestacy.
Our core Probate service
Or, we can simply complete the application forms for the Grant of Probate from information provided to us by the executor/administrator. When the forms are completed, we’ll come back to the executor who approves and signs them before we submit them to the Probate Registry. Once the Grant of Probate/Letters of Administration are issued, we hand those documents to the executor who can then distribute and wind up the estate.
What does Probate cost?
The fees for the various options depend on the amount of work needed. However, all our Probate services are supplied on a fixed or an agreed fee basis. That means you know exactly how much you will pay for our services before the work commences.
In summary you’re looking for a Probate specialist who is empathetic, timely and who understands your needs as well as someone who’s able to deal with the estate competently.
If you would like to consider me or one of the Jackson Lees Probate team then you can talk to one of our empathetic specialist Probate advisers, by calling us free on 0151 282 1700 (also free from mobiles) or email
Get in touch with our Probate team