Date published: 26th February 2018

Oh dear, I wonder how many solicitors with practising certificates can remember a time when a man with a gas lighter used to wander down the street to illuminate the street lights outside their home; or recall riding on the vegetable salesman’s horse and cart! Our veg man was called Mr Pickles and the horse and cart were of course enormous. I remember his cry as he entered the street; “Paes a bain!” “Potatoes for sale” I think it was supposed to mean. I have tried to look this up in Yorkshire dialect but to no avail but I remember the sound and the timbre of his voice as if it were yesteryear.

You have guessed correctly now that I were brung up in Yorkshire, Shipley near “Bratford” to be exact. 16 Avondale Road was the address and it was at the end of a cul de sac. This had a convenient tree in the middle of the end of the road which made a perfect wicket for cricket. It did have the drawback of any shot not hit back down the wicket was likely to end up in someone’s garden and Miss Temple in particular could get awful shirty when we went to retrieve the ball.

These reminiscences make me realise that on any logical analysis, I must be getting old. Of course I am an exception to the general rule of aging and feel just as young as ever. However the grandchildren seem to expect me to run around and get up and down from the floor as easily as they. I am not sure why I am not so sprightly anymore. I can still surprise them from time to time with new ideas and an occasional burst of speed can still beat them to the lamp post although my longer legs may still give some kind of unfair advantage. Of course it is a good idea to let them win most of the time anyway. Their energy levels are unbelievable until they suddenly run out of gas.

As life passes, our affairs get gradually more complicated. Fortunately I am still with the same lady I married in 1975 and we still live in the same house. That must be rather unusual as many of us have the complication of second families, step children and perhaps relationship breakdowns. I am also fortunate to have two healthy daughters with no special needs and now two little grandchildren who are of course the apple of our eye. Daniel was 2 last week and is beginning to make his view of the world around him known to us and we are getting our first verbal instructions.

I am also the owner of shares in a private company and have various investments and pension plans as well as having an interest in our home. All these add to the list of items which might have to be dealt with when I reach the end of my life. Of course I believe and hope this is a long way off but unfortunately I have no guarantee of that fact. I know that there are various trusts I have set up of assets that I have and I have already made my will. However this was some time ago and I think it is time I had another look as circumstances have changed since the last version was put in place.

Our lives are complicated. There is no guarantee we will maintain our mental capacity and we have no knowledge of our life’s end. We have a capacity to put off making proper provisions for those we leave behind and neglecting proper arrangements for what may happen if we lose our marbles if I may put it indelicately. I have just booked my car in for its service because the computer in the car told me to do so.

All of us need to make sure we have undertaken a proper service of our own affairs. It just isn’t fair to leave problems for our loved ones. They will have a difficult enough time sorting things out without making an upsetting situation even more difficult. I am fortunate to have had a relatively happy and fulfilled life to date and long may it continue but let us all make sure we ask our lawyers and advisers to ensure we have left our affairs in good order. I am also fortunate to be part of a great law firm that can sort these things out.