Michael Milliken

Contact me
Partner & Head of Billing
How can I help you? 

I help clients in what is arguably one of the most contentious aspects of their claims and that is the recovery of their costs. By being knowledgeable, proactive and determined, I aim to ensure that clients receive as much as possible of the costs they have incurred in seeking redress for their civil claims.

A little about me

I am the Head of Billing within the costs department and ensure that clients receive the best possible outcome with regards to their claims for costs arising from settlement of their cases. I play an active role in supervising, coaching and training team members so that the department maintains high standards and results.

My experience

I qualified as a solicitor in 2008 and have practised within the field of costs since 2009. I have worked for both claimant and defendant firms and have acted for clients ranging from litigants in person to Government departments. My experience includes dealing with costs in group litigation, claims for costs in excess of £1 million and in forums ranging from County Court level up to the Supreme Court.