Date published: 9th October 2019

Our services are often called upon where a person who once had capacity and lived life independently no longer can due to a catastrophic injury.

This could be as the result of a road traffic or motor cycle incident or other accident. These situations can be traumatic and difficult for not only the client but the people around them. Damages awarded as a result of a catastrophic injury are intended to return the client to their former life as far as possible.

It is the deputy’s job to ensure this happens. We make it our responsibility to build a relationship with the client and their family to ascertain what their wishes are / would have been and to allow them to live the life they had desired within their new found limitations.

This is where we can help.

We are regularly approached by both Claimant Solicitors and family members to help manage the funds. We are also approached by current Deputies to take over the affairs of clients where they are unwilling or unable to continue.

What can we do?

  • We can manage finances from the client’s life pre-accident, to ensure their financial stability is maintained. This can involve dealing with direct debits, standing orders, and day-to-day tasks such as utility and council tax bills.
  • We liaise with the client and their families to ascertain whether their current living circumstances are appropriate for their life post-accident. This can involve arranging adaptations to their current property or the purchase of a more suitable property. In both circumstances it is our job to ensure maximum quality of life for the client within the budget available.
  • We are in regular contact with extensive therapeutic teams to ensure the clients funds are used for rehabilitation. Recovery in so far as possible is promoted.
  • The level of involvement we have with catastrophic injury clients varies and we are very proactive in ensuring the client’s voice is heard and their wishes taken into account.

Unfortunately the nature of a brain injury can often result in the client becoming extremely vulnerable to exploitation of their finances.

This can be exacerbated when a person comes into a lot of money due to a settled claim. We are here to help safeguard the client from this risk and to ensure the funds are used in a way to allow the client maximum enjoyment of their life.

If you would like to know a little more about what the team do or believe they can make a positive difference to you/your family then please call us on 0151 282 1700, request a callback at your convenience or message us your enquiry.