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Exceptional Talent Visas

There are only 500 places released annually for this type of Visa each year. You will be considered if you have been endorsed in your field in science, humanities, engineering, medicine, digital technology or the arts as someone with exceptional talent or promise.

You first need to apply to the Home Office for endorsement as a leader or emerging leader in your particular field and then Apply for the Visa.

After you are endorsed, you will receive your decision on your visa within 3 weeks. You can apply for your Visa up to 3 months before your date of travel to the UK.

You will be required to pay £281 to get an endorsement whereas, the price you pay for your Visa depends on where you are from and if you plan on bringing any dependents with you to the UK.

You can stay in the UK for up to 5 years and 4 months. Once this period of time is up you can apply for a further 5 years or you can apply to settle in the UK once you’ve been here for 5 years.

On this particular Visa you can work for an employer, as a director or be self-employed. You are also free to change jobs and carry out volunteer work.

You are able to travel abroad and return to the UK and bring family members with you to the UK.
You are not permitted to get public funds, work as a doctor or dentist in training or as a professional sportsperson or coach.